Productivity vs. Safety: Finding the Perfect Balance

Balance. It is not something we find, it is something we create. Now more than ever balance is critical. May that be work vs life balance or the productivity vs safety balance, every aspect of our lives need balance today.

On a typical 10 to 7 day productivity is never an issue. Between several meetings, strict deadlines, coffee breaks, and quick gossip sessions, work always gets done. And till about six months back, safety had a very different definition.

Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only our lives but our approach to most things have changed. This includes the approach of our workplaces to the concept of productivity and safety.

While staying inside the house seemed the right decision to make, whether productivity has increased or not remains foggy.

What do the Numbers Say?

Studies reveal that remote work has reduced distractions for most people. However, structural challenges like poor internet connectivity and lack of dedicated workspace in the home have served as roadblocks. According to productivity coach Rose Anne Uwague, “Outside of technical issues, discipline and overwhelm, expectations are the biggest hindrance to productivity.”

Bonus Read: 5 Changes to Expect in Our Workplaces Post-COVID

There is no doubt that remote work has increased productivity and kept us safe. But choosing between these two concepts seems unfair. If either wins, both lose.

As mentioned, it is balance that we need to find. Staying indoors will keep us safe from the virus. And by following a few hacks and tricks, we can keep our morale high and be productive.

So, how to be productive? Here are some tips that we at MoveInSync swear by.

Define Your Priorities

Whatever priorities you set before March 2020, if it has started seeming cumbersome or dull to you, dont be afraid to change it because no one is noticing. The pandemic has made us all realize that not everything is a priority. Even for your workplace, define what matters the most to you now and work towards achieving it. Rather than sweating about trivial issues, focus on what is essential. Have your priorities defined like your work hours location preference and you dont have to worry about being productive anymore.

Follow Regular Office Hours

It might sound obvious, but the truth is that working remotely has upset all our routines. Getting up late in the morning and working late at night is not helping anyone. Yes, productivity might increase with no defined work time, but it can severely upset your work-life balance. Follow a particular routine. Define your work hours. Chalk out the time you are available. Take breaks. Yes, it can get redundant, but it also provides structure. And in such stressful times when our habits have been abruptly disrupted, it is pivotal to stick to one to witness an increase in productivity.

Build a Strong Virtual Workplace Infrastructure

At its core, a virtual workplace includes the same elements as that of a physical one. These may consist of a place to collaborate with your colleagues, share your ideas, and get work done. Yet it can take a Herculean effort to set up a work station at home. From proper internal connectivity to appropriate video conferencing solutions, equipping oneself with tools to communicate can make a lot of difference. With a robust virtual workplace built, focusing on essential matters becomes easier.

Mental Health: A Primary Concern

Depression and anxiety have been at an all-time high during the last few months. Most people are not accustomed to staying in their homes for such long stretches. It is imperative that we all take care of our mental health. Talk to your co-workers, go out for a walk (while maintaining social distancing), or take breaks when you deem it right. Dont overstress yourself. Recognize your needs and deal with them appropriately. Only when you are relaxed enough can you be productive enough!

Also Read: How to Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being

Rely on Productivity Tools

Though the use of productivity tools has been quite widespread, the pandemic has reinvented the way we use these. Tools like Trello, Asana, Basenote, TeamViewer, WorkInSync, and much more have allowed employees to track their productivity. Not only do these let you get daily updates, but it is also useful to feel included. You can keep track of your progress and thus self-assess your productivity levels.

To Sum It Up

We all are taking enough measures to ensure safety. However, to remain productive during this pandemic, it is time to re-think your approach to the concept of it overall.

Ultimately, there is no choosing one. These are the two sides of the same coin. Remove one, and the other one falls. Only when you are safe can you be productive. It is that simple. Strike up a balance. Focus on your health and well-being to come out stronger on the other side. To win this battle!

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